
Batter for onion rings

A real taste of the old Key West flavor, locally owned and it shows. The only reason I gave this place a 5 is because they won’t let me give them a “10”. Outstanding bar food and of course batter for onion rings signature sandwich is fantastic. Sitting on the water is excellent.

These keto onion rings are perfectly crispy and crunchy, you won’t believe they are low carb! Made with just 4 key ingredients, a secret method guarantees the batter NEVER falls off the onions! How do you make keto onion rings? Contrary to popular belief, I actually don’t have an intense sweet tooth. I know I shouldn’t play favorites, but there are a few I make on a weekly basis. I regularly whip up and enjoy some keto french fries, mozzarella sticks, and my favorite keto chips.

I had some friends over for a BBQ the other day and served up these onion rings and not one single person believed me when I told them they were carb free- They thought I bought them from Burger King! Here is everything you need to make these keto onion rings. You’ll love how there are just 4 main ingredients! It is preferred to use blanched almond flour instead of almond meal, as the lighter crumb holds onto the onions much better. Be sure to shake off any excess before re-dipping in the egg wash.

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