
Dark chocolate almond m&ms

The number one most popular candy sold in the United States “melts in your mouth, not in your hands. Does dark chocolate almond m&ms catchy slogan ring a bell?

Created in 1941, these bite-sized candy-coated chocolates supposedly have roots that stretch across the ocean. Rumor has it that Forrest E. Spain during wartime when he spied soldiers eating tiny balls of candy-coated chocolate. Anticipating the rationing of sugar and chocolate as World War II loomed, Mars reached out to William F. Ms, which stands for Mars and Murrie. Ms fans are eternally grateful for these two masterminds marketing this chocolatey delight.

Today, the candies come in a variety of flavors, but which one of the different varieties tastes the best? They come in a handful of colors ranging from white and cream to light green and dark green. But the lime flavor starts to fizz out the more you eat. Maybe it’s because your tongue is growing numb from the sourish lime flavor or because you’ve grown accustomed to the taste in a handful or two. Still, it’s definitely a refreshing taste that just might appeal to your taste buds. Nibble on a few of these at a time with a mint julip drink while letting a cool breeze blow your hair on the patio and there’s a slight chance you can convince yourself you’re actually in the Florida Keys. A fantastic fall flavor, pumpkin spice seems to be used in almost everything, from muffins to bread to pie to Starbucks drinks.

People swoon when fall rolls around just knowing that all things pumpkin will be available to them in many yummy versions, if only for a short time. Ms also taste amazing, guess again. They taste an awful lot like flat-out chocolate infused with the artificial pumpkin pie spice seasoning commonly used to ramp up the pumpkin flavor in other goods. But rest assured, if you don’t like them either and have a bag just sitting there, you can incorporate them into one of your favorite pumpkin-themed recipes. But these really aren’t that delicious unless you enjoy drinking coconut-scented suntan oil.

Yes, they definitely smell and taste like a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic. The coconut taste is just too much even for the sugary sweet chocolate it’s encased in. It’s just not a pairing that screams take a bite of me! One bonus is that you won’t have actual coconut flakes to contend with in this tiny package of candy.

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