
Fried bannock recipe

Fried bannock recipe is a variety of flat quick bread or any large, round article baked or cooked from grain. A bannock is usually cut into sections before serving. The word “bannock” comes from Northern and Scots dialects.

The Oxford English Dictionary states the term stems from panicium, a Latin word for “baked dough”, or from panis, meaning bread. Its historic use was primarily in Ireland, Scotland and Northern England. Bannock varieties can be named or differentiated according to various characteristics: the flour or meal from which they are made, whether they are leavened or not, whether they have certain special ingredients, how they are baked or cooked, and the names of rituals or festivals in which they are used. Selkirk bannock from Scotland is well-known and named after the town in the Scottish borders where it is traditionally made.

It is a spongy, buttery variety, sometimes compared to a fruitcake, made from wheat flour and containing a very large quantity of raisins. Louis Goossens, The old English glosses of ms. Epistle To James Tennant Of Glenconner”. The Complete Works of Robert Burns.

Bannock Stane at Aberdeen University’s Virtual Museum”. Practically Edible: The Web’s Biggest Food Encyclopaedia. BREAD: the breads of the world and how to bake them at home. Originally published as The World Encyclopedia of Bread and Bread Making. The Life and Death of a Druid Prince. It is also similar to the recipe for Scottish collops. Lamesa, Texas, hosts an annual chicken-fried steak celebration.

The precise origins of the dish are unclear, but many sources attribute its development to German and Austrian immigrants to Texas in the 19th century, who brought recipes for Wiener schnitzel from Europe to the USA. The Virginia Housewife, published in 1838 by Mary Randolph, has a recipe for veal cutlets that is one of the earliest recipes for a food like chicken-fried steak. The recipe for what we now know as chicken-fried steak was included in many regional cookbooks by the late 19th century. A 1943 American cookbook recipe for Wiener schnitzel includes a white salt and pepper cream gravy.

Chicken-fried steak is among numerous popular dishes which make up the official state meal of Oklahoma, added to the list in 1988. Chicken-fried steak is prepared by taking a thin cut of beefsteak and tenderizing it by pounding, cubing, or forking. It is then immersed in egg batter or buttermilk, then dredged in flour to which salt, pepper, and often other seasonings have been added. When there are problems with the breading separating from the meat while cooking, it can be very useful to first dredge the meat in the flour mixture, then the egg or buttermilk, and then the flour mixture again, and then let it sit for a half-hour or more before cooking. The cuts of steak used for chicken-fried steak are usually the less expensive, less desirable ones, such as cube steak, chuck, round steak, and occasionally flank steak. The method may be used for chopped or ground beef, but it is not called chicken-fried steak. The steak can be served on a hamburger bun with cream gravy as a “chicken-fried steak sandwich”.

It can also be cubed and stuffed in a baked potato with gravy and cheese. Alternatively, the tenderized steak may be cut into strips, breaded, deep-fried, and served for breakfast with eggs and toast or for other meals in a basket with fries and cream gravy. Known as “finger steaks” or “steak fingers”, this is a popular dish in the state of Idaho. Typically, in Texas and surrounding states, chicken fried steak is either deep fried or fried in a thick layer of oil in a pan and served with traditional peppered milk gravy. Regionally, when pan-fried it may be referred to as “country fried steak”. While some recipes and restaurants will use a traditional peppered milk gravy on country fried steak, a variant using a brown, beef stock-based gravy with onions is common and is the primary difference between the two dishes in regions where both are served. Oklahoma Encyclopedia of History and Culture.

Lamesa to have chicken-fried steak festival this weekend”. Chicken Fried Steak, Steamed Sandwiches, Georgia Barbecue”. Chicken-Fried Steak: One-third of the Big Three”. Please log in with your username or email to continue. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. How is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors.

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