

00743 funfetti 40 C 11 55. 007431 69 40 69 C 47. This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

This soft, snow-white cake is speckled with brightly colored sprinkles and iced with a sweet buttercream frosting — it’s the perfect homemade birthday cake! If this funfetti cake looks familiar, you caught me, I shared it exactly one year ago in celebration of the first unofficial birthday of Sugar Spun Run. Well, it’s been two years now since I almost completely deleted this whole website. It was maintained sporadically, sloppily, and definitely without intention. So in April of 2015 when I got the bill to renew my website, I almost canceled everything.

I’d give it one more shot. Well, here we are, nearly 250 recipes later with a bright cheerful funfetti cake to show for it. Rubik’s cube that is my camera. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I wanted to commemorate this two year anniversary anyway. Today I’m celebrating Sugar Spun Run’s Unbirthday, and slicing up this confetti-colored, sprinkle stuffed, 3-layer, from-scratch Funfetti cake just for the occasion. So let’s get down to it.

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