
Galbi jjim

Below is a list of dishes found in Korean cuisine. It is served usually at special occasions such as weddings, and is associated with royalty. An elaborate dish of meat and vegetables cooked in a rich broth. It is served in a large silver vessel with a hole in the center, where hot galbi jjim are placed to keep the dish hot throughout the meal.

The meat is sliced thicker than bulgogi. It is often called “Korean barbecue” along with bulgogi, and can be seasoned or unseasoned. Sometimes cooked on a grill with kimchi together at either side. Commonly grilled with garlic and onions, dipped in sesame oil and salt mixture and wrapped with ssamjang in lettuce . It is very popular in Daegu and the surrounding Gyeongsang region.

Sannakji is served live and still moving on the plate. Though galbi means ribs, this doesn’t use the ribs of chicken. Dakgalbi is a specialty of Chuncheon. It is often called “Korean BBQ”, and can be seasoned or unseasoned. Unseasoned pork belly, served in the same fashion as galbi. Sometimes cooked on a grill with kimchee troughs at either side.

Commonly grilled with garlic and onions, dipped in ssamjjang and wrapped in lettuce leaves. 4th stomach prepared like samgyeopsal and galbi. Often served with a light doenjang sauce and chopped green onions. Very popular in Daegu and the surrounding Gyeongsang region.

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