
How to make a smoker

00743 11 40 C 11 55. 007431 69 40 69 C 47. This post may contain affiliate links. Making Beef Jerky in a smoker, in how to make a smoker opinion, is the BEST way to make beef jerky.

There is no adding liquid smoke, you let the wood of your choice infuse an intense flavor into your jerky. This way of making jerky is as close to how it was done hundreds of years ago. Plus you get to sit outside, drink beer, and stare at a smoking box all day. Choosing and slicing the meat Start by buying a lean piece of meat, I am using a beef eye of round roast for this recipe. Put a small sheet of foil above the heating element to make clean up easier as well. Use a small piece of foil to allow air to easily flow from the bottom of the smoker up and out of the top. 30 minutes to an hour of smoke is just perfect in my opinion.

Smoke for 3-5 hours until finished. Beef jerky will finish a lot faster in a pellet smoker than an electric smoker. Start checking around the 3 hour mark. It should bend and crack but not break in half. White fibers are also a good indication that the jerky is finished drying. FAQ How long does jerky take in a smoker? Do you flip the jerky while smoking?

What is the best temperature to smoke jerky at? This smoked peppery beef jerky really turned out fantastic! Fire up the smoker and get ready to make some really good beef jerky. Trim all visible fat from the beef, wrap in plastic wrap, and place in the freezer for an hour or two to partially freeze. Slice with the grain for a chewier jerky.

Or skip the freezing phase and use a Jerky Slicer. Add sliced beef to the mixture and marinate for 8-24 hours in the refrigerator. After the meat has finished marinating, remove from refrigerator and strain excess marinade. Pat dry the strips with paper towels. Dry with your Dehydrator, Smoker, or Oven. The jerky is finished when it bends and cracks, but does not break in half. If you have white smoke, increase your temperature.

The white smoke can alter the taste of the jerky not in a good way! When testing the jerky to see if it is finished, let it cool for 5 minutes before testing it. Once cool, bend a piece, it should bend and crack but not break in half. Best wood chips to use are apple wood and hickory. Let us know how it was! I have tried a few kits, but this is still the preferred one. Why don’t I need sodium nitrite as a preservative?

You can use curing salt with any beef jerky. I make some recipes with it and some without, it’s up to you. I’ve been making jerky in my pellet smoke but I have only been smoking it for 2 to 2 and a half hours at 250 depending on thickness. It comes out way less dry and is way easier to chew. It’s more of a smoked cured meat but I still call it jerky.

Also, I slice it after smoking. Sounds like you have it dialed in Rodney. Pellet smokers are great for jerky, or smoked cured meat in your case! Love it always have done a steady temp with my Masterbuilt. Really like the low temperature at the end. This turned out to be delicious. Did it on a pellet smoker, added a little hot pepper flakes.

Smoked at 200 degrees for only 2 hours. I think the beef was sliced a little on thin side. Cant wait to try some different twists of flavor. Welcome to the world of making jerky! Hi, I have a setup and a recipe very similar to your method that I have been using for years. I go totally dry brine without the soy.

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