
Jelly fruit

Check out our good day sunshine pack for a last minute holiday gift! It has a very long history. Culinary matters of cookbook of 1st jelly fruit Rome has the recipes to make jam.

It was used as a diet in Middle East where there is ample amounts of sugar. Jam is the jelled puree which is made with the flesh and juice of both vegetable and fruit. Along with sugar and water it is heated which helps to activate pectin. In Britain, it was brought by Crusaders. It reached to West Indies by Spanish where the fruit was found in abundance and this method was used to preserve fruits.

The US immigrants have their own recipes of making jam but the book was prepared on 17th century. In New England, honey, molasses and maple sugar was used to provide the sweet taste. One tablespoon of jam contains 6. 09 g of moisture, 569 calories, 0. 01 g of total lipid fat, 0.

2 g of dietary fiber and 9. 8 mg of vitamin C, 0. 1 mg of iron and 0. The fruit should be cut into large chunks.

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