
Norwegian butter sauce

The requested resource is not found. The Norwegian butter crisis began in late 2011 with an acute shortage of butter and inflation of its price across norwegian butter sauce in Norway. The shortage caused soaring prices and stores’ stocks of butter ran out within minutes of deliveries. Butter is a common ingredient in Norwegian Christmas fare, and prices were at their highest in December 2011.

20 percent increase in sales in October 2011 with a further 30 percent rise in November. Shortages persisted as a result of high import tariffs on butter to protect the domestic dairy industry against foreign competition, which meant that 90 percent of the butter on sale in Norway was produced domestically. In response to growing criticism, Tine asked the government to reduce tariffs to allow demand to be met with cheaper imports from neighbouring countries. The crisis prompted a variety of responses from individuals and organizations in Norway and neighbouring countries. A Norwegian newspaper sought to attract new subscribers by offering them a half kilogram of butter, while students auctioned butter on the Internet in a bid to raise funds for graduation parties.

As a result of the butter crisis, Norwegian retailers lost an estimated NOK 43m. The Progress Party has demanded that Tine compensate the retailers for their losses. Butter shortage puts the knife into Norwegian Christmas plans”. Norge i smør-panik: Sælges for 600 kroner kiloet på nettet”. Archived from the original on 15 December 2011. Et kilo smør koster nu over 1000 kroner”. The Incredible Norwegian Butter Shortage Is A Result Of ‘Soviet Conditions’ In The Industry”.

Spreading butter crisis forces cut in import tax”. Norwegian butter crisis churns up Christmas shortages”. Norway butter crisis spreads as nation consumes entire stock”. Norwegians battle butter shortage in peak season”. As National Butter Shortage Bites, Norwegians Get Churning”. Brother, could you spare some smor?

Swedish butter hustlers arrested in Norway”. Butter shortage takes the biscuit in Norway”. Swedes in Norwegian butter smuggling bust”. Prices spike as butter shortage spreads through Norway”. This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Norwegian cuisine in its traditional form is based largely on the raw materials readily available in Norway and its mountains, wilderness, and coast. It differs in many respects from continental cuisine through the stronger focus on game and fish. Modern Norwegian cuisine, although still strongly influenced by its traditional background, has been influenced by globalization: pasta, pizza, tacos, and the like are as common as meatballs and cod as staple foods. The basic Norwegian breakfast consists of bread, brown cheese, and milk.

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