
Purple potatoes

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Take a look on its nutritious facts and see images of the different types of sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are herbaceous vines that grow horizontally and belong to the morning glory family. They’re typically grown as perennial plants in warm climates and as annual plants in cold climates. They originated from Central and South America and were cultivated as early as 8,000 B. C as a food source as well as for ornamental purposes. Although they share the name and look similar, sweet potatoes are not closely related to potatoes and yams. The juice of sweet potatoes can be used for dye production that ranges in colors from purple to black.

Sweet potatoes can also be used for producing rubber, ink, and glue. Now let’s jump into your sweet potato options. Apache sweet potatoes have pale orange skin and pale orange flesh, and they are very tasty as well. These sweet potatoes originated in Louisiana and have dark orange or copper-colored skin and very uniform shape.

They mature in roughly 100 days and are a fairly new variety, although they are already very popular with farmers. They also produce high yields and are subject to very little cracking. With an oddly-colored skin that is a woody brown color, this type of sweet potato has dark red flesh that is extremely sweet. They are not the easiest type of sweet potatoes to find, but they are extremely popular with lovers of sweet potatoes. Also known as Vineless or Bush sweet potatoes, you can grow these even if your growing space is small. The flesh is light red and the outside is a copper color.

They have a delicious flavor and are especially good when baked. Carolina bunch sweet potatoes in a perforated container. Developed in South Carolina, these sweet potatoes have a uniform shape and skin that is smooth and bright to light copper in color. The flesh itself is deep orange, and this variety is a vigorous plant that matures in approximately 120 days. With a soft flesh and a medium to large shape, this type of sweet potato has a deep orange flesh that can make anyone’s table more colorful. Because of its versatility in various dishes, this is a favorite amongst growers of sweet potatoes. This is a new variety originating in North Carolina, and it has deep orange flesh and a beautiful appearance.

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