
Sweet lo

One of the vehicle’s most memorable features is the decoration atop its roof: a macabre clown sweet lo seemingly in the likeness of Needles himself. It mimics its driver’s flaming scalp with fiery orange hair or actual flames, depending on the incarnation. The vehicle appears as playable in the PS4 version of Rocket League. While it drives like a bathtub on wheels, this baby is POWERFUL!

Watch out for its napalm ice cream cones! An escaped mental patient, Sweet Tooth is a man on a mission. He has entered Twisted Metal in hopes of gaining the one prize that means more to him than anything else in the world his best friend. When Driving It: Flaming Ice Cream Cones may sound like they don’t do much damage, but they do. Sweet Tooth has one of the most powerful special weapons in the game. When Fighting It: Stick and move with it.

Do not let it face you or you’ll get nailed with homing missiles. Napalm Cone: A scorching scoop of flaming ice cream! Twisted Metal 2 – Sweet Tooth. Napalm Cones: Homing pink cone missiles that wave in mid-air and are more accurate from longer ranges. Flaming Head: Launches a giant remote bomb shaped as Sweet Tooth’s flaming head. It explodes when it comes in contact with any vehicle or when you detonate it. Sweet Tooth, returns as the boss of The Carnival level and the final overall boss of the game.

Its driver is once again Needles Kane. Henchmen: This is the most powerful special weapon in the game. Just one of these can kill small and most medium-sized vehicles. When fired, three orbs in the shape of ominous clown faces home in on their targeted adversary and traps them. The blue orb summons electricity that pulls the enemy toward its center and can be nearly impossible to escape from. The green orb relentlessly fires M.

V missiles, and the red orb shoots flames. Note: This ending is shared with all other boss vehicles of the game as well as custom vehicles. The missiles have their own auto homing mechanism. This contraption may have partly inspired the “Tower Tooth” vehicle. Twisted Metal – Small Brawl – Sweet Tooth bio. Special Weapon: Fires ice cream ricochets that bounce off walls for an extended period of time. Napalm Cone: Fires flaming napalm cones from the top of the ice cream truck.

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