
Teddy bear for boyfriend valentines day

This bouquet consists of 10 golden roses and a teddy bear. The bouquets come in teddy bear for boyfriend valentines day box that makes it easier to treasure for years to come. This bouquet contains real and fresh red roses.

You can send over a personalised message with this bouquet as a token of love. This chocolate and flower bouquet comes with 12 kit kat chocolates, a soft toy, message card and red roses. This artificial red rose bouquet is a perfect bouquet if you are looking for the best Valentine’s day gift for your wife or girlfriend. This gift is lovingly hand wrapped and is the most ideal Valentine’s Day gift for your wife, girlfriend, sister or other close female buddies. This bouquet is worth celebrating every special moment spent together. Red Roses Basket with Soft Toy is an extremely impressive combo.

The hand tied roses and the beautifully crafted basket amps up the overall look of the Valentine’s special gift. Get ready for a plethora of hugs and kisses this Valentine’s Day. Now you don’t have to hunt for the perfect Valentine bouquet for husband, girlfriend, wife or any family member. The content is created by Pinkvilla. There are no comments in this article yet. This bouquet consists of 10 golden roses and a teddy bear. The bouquets come in a box that makes it easier to treasure for years to come.

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